Creameries Stock Quote - Donegal
Creameries information - Analysis
Donegal Creameries - Donegal
Creameries news
Countrywide is the leading supplier of products and services to the
rural community. Living and working within their local communities they
appreciate not only the UK rural way of life but the needs of their customers.
That's why their online stores sell everything you'll need.
offer from Sept. 2012 :- 11.35 Hectares [ 28 acres ] of high quality farming
land, outside Newtowncunningham, just off the R 265 between Letterkenny
and Derry.
Click on the map for larger views of the farm.

10 Excellent Reasons to buy :-
1] Exceptional quality farmland, with huge future development potential.
Newtowncunningham 1/2 Mile ( 3/4 km)
2] Extensive road frontage along the R265 trunk road, which has been designated
by Donegal County Council as an "Industrial Corridor" in the County Development
3] Derry / Londonderry only 6 miles away. Letterkenny only 10 miles.
4] The main water pipe from the Pollan Dam runs along the R265 road alongside
the property.
5] There is existing Industrial development within 50m.
6] There is an ESB substation within 100m.
7] There is also a main power line crossing the property which has ESB
International's All Ireland Loop Fibre-Optic Broadband on it. There is
a junction box in the middle of the property which would enable any company
join this Fibre-Optic loop
8] The farm slopes gently away from the road, giving a natural water run-off
to a stream, with very little earth movement necessary to enable construction
9] The location offers access to graduates from LYIT - Letterkenny Institute
of Technology and from the University of Ulster, Magee Campus in Derry
10] Being a rural location, you would not have large town/city Rates to
For sale in one lot, or for long term lease. Currently open to offers.
Contact Brian on (mobile) 086-6037290 (fax) 074-9156249
If you are looking for Donegal Creameries PLC, their website is HERE

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Countrywide is the leading supplier of products and services to the
rural community. Living and working within their local communities they
appreciate not only the UK rural way of life but the needs of their customers.
That's why their online stores sell almost everything you need.